Sunday, 18 May 2014

Television and the promotion of national identity: Our Friends in the North on RTÉ

Kevin McAleer, promotion picture for Our Friends in the North. Source

Last year I took a class "Broadcasting and the language of identity". It was a bit of a weird class, in which we talked about national identity, subcultures, music, TV and radio but without very much theory or feedback. However, I had fun writing the final essay for it. It is about the Ulster Scots Broadcasting Fund and specifically about one show funded through it, Our Friends in the North. This is a show presented by comedian Kevin McAleer, from Co. Tyrone, who visits and interviews people who see themselves as Ulster-Scots, to get to know and understand the language, culture and history. In the article I try to pick apart how the programme promotes national identity in a way that makes it palatable to the public.

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